
One of the things I do a good bit of is reading books about parenting… I’ve only got one shot at this, so I want to make it count. Here’s some highly recommended reading:

Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson – talks about the practical things boys need to become men. One of my favorite quotes from the book, “Those years with your children at home will be gone in a heartbeat. Do whatever is necessary to grab those precious moments, whether it requires changing jobs, getting a smaller house, or turning down lucrative and exciting opportunities. Nothing is worth losing your kids. Nothing!”

Every Child Can Succeed by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias – Did you know different people learn in different ways??? Me either. Cynthia Tobias makes her life off teaching people how they learn best and how to find their children’s learning so they can do their best in life. Tobias includes examples of situations we all have been through and how to help your children go through them. This book is a great addition to The Way They Learn.

I Hate School by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias – This one is full of great examples of classroom situations and how each type of learner would best handle them. Also helps teachers understand how a different learner form their style might see things. This book is also a great addition to The Way They Learn.

Parenting with Fire by Shmuley Boteach – Rabbi Shmuley helps parents figure out how to inspire their children, to transmit your passion to them and motivate them. Some of my favorite quotes come from this book, including this gem, “A child’s allegiance is to the person who loves and cherishes her…. A child looks for someone who can bring a storybook to life, not someone with a million dollars in the bank.”

The Power of a Positive Mom by Karol Ladd – Simple and yet profound. One of my favorite quotes “…Perspective is everything!” Or this one, “Maternal love strengthens us and helps us grow into selfless, thoughtful, and giving adults.” Karol helps shine the light on how best to help not only us as moms, but the whole family be a positive and joyful experience.

The Power of Parent-Child Play by Laurie Winslow Sargent – Having fun with your kids… what a concept! Honestly, I am amazed at the difference in my kids when I take the time to play with them… G is big here. There are times that boy NEEDS me to play with him (which usually means rough-housing with him). There is a night and day difference when I take the time to do so. Laurie Sargent gives great tips on activities and resources, plus questions for you to think about.

She Calls Me Daddy by Robert Wolgemuth – OK, so this one is more for Daddy than us, but it’s a great read. Robert Wolgemuth talks about the importance of being fun, tender and firm. It is a must read for any Dad with a daughter (it would be good for Momma, too.)

The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family by Patrick Lencioni – Written in story form by a business leader, Lencioni makes you question what is truly important for YOUR family (not families as a rule, but what makes your family different from all other families out there.)

The 10 Commandments of Parenting by Ed Young – Want to know what to do and what not to do as a parent? Here’s a great list. Includes things like “Thou Shalt Spend Time with Thy Children,” and “Thou Shalt Not Be A Passive Parent.”

The Total Money Make-Over by Dave Ramsey – What??? A money book doesn’t have anything to do with parenting??? Yes, a money book has a lot to do with parenting… you are a much better parent when you are not stressed about money.

The Way They Learn by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias – How to recognize and work with your child’s learning style… just what the heck is a learning style? That’s what allows some to learn well with the TV and radio on, while others have to have silence, and still others do best when they are moving all the time, while another must have their study area just so.

One thought on “Parenting

  1. Thanks so much for your wonderful words about The Power of Parent-Child Play. I really appreciate knowing that it has encouraged someone!

    I also think Cynthia Tobias has wonderful books, and check out Karol Ladd’s new video program at as her new e-show is quite popular. (I have an e-show there as well–just getting it going–called You Can Too, Mom, with a related blog. ) Jolene Philo is another parenting author at the webTV site. Jolene writes for parents of kids with special needs or who have been hospitalized. Her devotional book is called A Different Dream for My Child.

    Thanks again for reviewing all these parenting resources. If you have a moment to post these on Amazon as well, that would really bless all the authors. With the millions of books on Amazon, older titles get buried pretty quickly so anything that can help moms find these resources more easily (fresh reviews help make books more visible) is greatly appreciated.

    I’d love to connect with you personally, so feel free to e-mail me if you’d like to as well! And if you are interested in writing resources and opportunities, my Facebook page is under Laurie Winslow Sargent. For example, I just posted the deadlines for upcoming Chicken Soup titles in case you feel inclined to submit to them.


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